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ketchikan yacht club

Est. 1933 at 55°20.5'N, 131°38.7'W, in Thomas Basin, Ketchikan, AK

Guest Moorage


The Ketchikan Yacht Club, located in Thomas Basin at the southern end of the Ketchikan Cruise Ship dock, is a favorite stop of many independent cruisers to and from Alaska. We are located at the mouth of Ketchikan Creek, a stone’s throw from the famous Creek Street Historical district, and only a few blocks from machinist and mechanical services, restaurants, bars and tourist attractions. Some excellent hiking and bicycling opportunities are also in this area.

What We Offer

The Yacht Club manages float 2 in Thomas Basin; all slips belong to members. Club rules require that whenever a KYC member removes his boat from the stall, the return date must be written on the small signout board. Any day the slip is vacant and the owner has not posted a return date, that slip is available for transient moorage.

Due to our remote location, we are unable to make true reciprocity agreements with other yacht clubs. We do welcome and invite you to our club and events. Our daily moorage rates are determined by slip size, and are similar to those charged by the Ketchikan Harbor Department. Our facilities are the best in town with a warm clubhouse, kitchen, showers, telephone, in a floathouse next to the dock; we have several social activities each week and are always happy to meet new guest cruisers.

Our Rates

Daily Visitor Moorage and Facility Use (moorage at KYC Float 2)$60/vessel
Daily Visitor Facility Use (moored elsewhere)$20/person
Kayak Storage$7/day

How to Obtain Moorage

Ketchikan Yacht Club is run by volunteers, and there is no one to keep the clubhouse open or answer the telephone or radio on any regular schedule. Therefore, we can’t take reservations.

You can try calling the Yacht Club on channel 16 and someone may answer, but if not, then come into Thomas Basin and take a look at float 2. If you see an empty slip, then pull in and check for an owner’s return date on the bullrail. If the owner doesn’t show that he is returning on that day, then you should be able to stay. Envelopes and instructions are posted on the front of the clubhouse at the head of the float, and the KYC Port Captain will be by to assist you before the end of the day.

If no KYC slips are available, then contact the Ketchikan Harbormaster on Channel 16 to arrange for moorage elsewhere in the harbor system. Note that the KYC Port Captain only manages the Yacht Club Float; the Ketchikan Harbormaster handles all other space in the Ketchikan harbor system.

Once You Are Registered

The KYC Port Captain will arrange for access to the clubhouse, provide you with a copy of the facility rules, and otherwise assist you as needed. The Port Captain may be out on the water but will assist you before the end of the day.

The Ketchikan Yacht Club is located in Thomas Basin, at the head of Float 2, and is a floating club house. For those using our moorage on Float 2, our amenities include use of the showers, galley stoves and refrigerators, club house seating and tables, outside picnic table included in the cost of moorage.

Power and internet use is extra, and use arrangement needs to be made by contacting Port Captain. All passengers on your vessel are covered under this daily fee, but this does not include your friends from other vessels traveling with you, passersby, or other boats not moored at KYC, or people unknown to you.


The Ketchikan Yacht Club (KYC) is a domestic non-profit corporation, registered and licensed to do business in the State of Alaska. The Ketchikan Yacht Club blog is an information service for members and guests, and a public advertisement for the Ketchikan Yacht Club.


Weather Underground PWS KAKKETCH25

(907) 225-3262
PO Box 6694, Ketchikan, AK 99901

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